
Maple-Bacon Brussel Sprouts


6oz bag Brussel Sprouts (1/2 of a large bag)

3 Slices of Bacon + residual fat (oil left i n pan)

1 Shallot or small onion

2 TBS Maple Syrup

1 TSP Garlic

1 TBS Olive Oil

2 Teaspoons MealZac Veggie Seasoning


1.Cook bacon until crispy and set aside.

2.Wash and cut Brussel Sprouts in half

3.Chop shallot and garlic to small pieces.

4. Mix cut brussels, garlic, shallot, maple syrup and bacon + rendered bacon fat in pan , and olive oil in a bowl.

5. Place on a lined baking sheet at 375 for roughly 30-35 minutes.

6. Broil or bake longer for extra crunch. OR Mix in a bowl directly after baking and allow the steam to hydrate the sprouts and give it a melty vibe.

7. Enjoy as a side dish or a snack!

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